Selected Publications
The following is a selection of publications by our Center affiliates.
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Stephen R. Latham
(Publications Since 2018)
Genetics, Ethics and Education. S. Bouregy, E. Grigorenko, S.R. Latham and M. Tan, eds. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018).
A Randomized Clinical Trial Assessing the Effect of Automated Medication-targeted Alerts on Acute Kidney Injury Outcomes (F.P. Wilson, Y. Yamamoto, M. Martin, C. Coronel-Moreno, F. Li, C. Cheng, A. Aklilu, L. Ghazi, J. Greenberg, S.R. Latham, H. Melchinger, S. Mansour, D. Moledina, C. Parikh, C. Partridge, J. Testani, U. Ugwuowo), forthcoming in Nature Communications 2023.
US Lawsuit Claims Federal Law Can Require Emergency Abortions, “At Law” column, 52 Hastings Center Report 5:4-5 (2022).
Molecular and Cellular Recovery After Prolonged Warm Ischemia of the Whole Body (D. Andrijevic, Z. Vrselja, T. Lysyy, S. Zhang, M. Skarica, A. Spajic, D. Dellal, S. Thorn, R. Duckrow, J. Ma, P.Q. Duy, M. Li, S.G. Daniele, A. Huttner, K.N. Sheth, K.T. Gobeske, G.T. Tietjen, H.P. Zaveri, S.R. Latham, A.J. Sinusas, N. Sestan), 608 Nature 405-412 (2022).
Reflections on New Evidence on Crisis Standards of Care in the COVID-19 Pandemic (B. Tolchin, S.R. Latham, L. Bruce, L.E. Ferrante, K. Kraschel, K. Jubanyik, S.C. Hull, J.L. Herbst, J. Kapo, E.D. Moritz, J. Hughes, M.D. Siegel, M.R. Mercurio), 32 J Clin Ethics 4:358-60 (2021 Winter).
Violations of Suicide-Prevention Guidelines in U.S. Media Coverage of Physician’s Suicide Death During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (E.E. Lynn-Green, A.L. Beckman, K. Jaźwińska, S.R. Latham), Epub ahead of print, Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention (May 4, 2021).
Electronic Health Record Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury: A Multi-Center Randomized Clinical Trial. (F.P. Wilson, M.M. Martin, Y. Yamamoto, C. Partridge, E. Moreira, T. Arora, A. Biswas, H. Feldman, A.X. Garg, J.H. Greenberg, M. Hinchcliff, S.R. Latham, F. Li, H. Lin, S.G. Mansour, D.G. Moledina, P.M. Palevsky, C.R. Parikh, M. Simonov, J. Testani, U. Ugwuowo), 372 BMJ, m4786 (2021).
Developing a Triage Protocol for the COVID-19 Pandemic (B. Tolchin, J. Kapo, E. Moritz, S.R. Latham, J.L. Herbst, M. Mercurio, M. Siegel, L. Ferrante, J. Hughes, K. Jubanyik, S. Hull, K. Kraschel), 31 Journal of Clinical Ethics, 4:1 (2020).
IVF: Competing Values and Goals. CT Trial Lawyers Association FORUM pp. 12-15 (Summer 2020).
Avoiding Ineffective End-of-Life Care: A Lesson from Triage? 50 Hastings Center Report 3:71-72 (May/Jun 2020).
The United Kingdom Revisits its Surrogacy Law. 49 Hastings Center Report 1:6-7 (Jan/Feb 2020).
Addressing ethical challenges in US-based HIV phylogenetic research. (L. Dawson, N. Benbow, F. Fletcher, S. Kassaye, A. Killelea. S.R. Latham, L. Lee, T. Leitner, S. Little, S. Mehta, O. Martinez, B. Minalga, A. Poon, S. Rennie, J. Sugarman, P. Sweeney, L. Torian, and J. Wertheim, on behalf of the NIH Working Group on Ethical Issues in HIV Phylogenetic Research), 222 Journal of Infectious Diseases 12:1997-2006 (15 December 2020).
On the Moral Bindingness of Advance Directives, 29 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1:110-115 (Jan. 2020).
Experimental philosophical bioethics. (B.D. Earp, J. Demaree-Cotton, M. Dunn, V. Dranseika, J.A.C. Everett, A. Feltz, G. Geller, I.R. Hannikainen, L. Jansen, J. Knobe, J. Kolak, S.R. Latham, A. Lerner, J. May, M. Mercurio, E. Mihailov, D. Rodriguez-Arias, B. Rodriguez Lopez, J. Savulescu, M. Sheehan, N. St Rohminger, J. Sugarman, K. Tabb and K. Tobia), AJOB Empirical Bioethics (Dec. 2019).
The Ethics of Testing and Research of Manufactured Organs on Brain Dead/Recently Deceased Subjects. (B. Parent, L. Kimberly, B. Gelb, S.R. Latham, A. Caplan, A. Lewis), Journal of Medical Ethics (Sept. 28, 2019)
Electronic Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury Amelioration (ELAIA-1): A Completely Electronic, Multi-Center, Randomized Controlled Trial: Design and Rationale. (M. Mutter, M. Martin, Y. Yamamoto, A. Biswas, B. Etropolski, H. Feldman, A. Garg, N. Gourlie, S.R. Latham, H. Lin, P. Palevsky, C. Parikh, E. Moreira, U. Ugwuowo, F.P. Wilson), 9 BMJ Open 5 (Jun 1, 2019).
Restoration of brain circulation and cellular functions hours postmortem. (Z. Vrselja, S.G. Daniele, J. Silbereis, F. Talpo, Y.M. Morozov, A.M. Sousa, B.S. Tanaka, M. Skarica, M. Pletikos, N. Kaur, Z.W. Zhuang, Z. Liu, R. Alkawadri, A.J. Sinusas, S.R. Latham, S.G. Waxman, N. Sestan) 568 Nature 336–43 (April 18, 2019).
Work Requirements That Don’t Work, 48 Hastings Center Report 6:5-6 (Nov/Dec 2018).
Human-Monkey Chimeras for Modeling Human Disease: Opportunities and Challenges (A. De Los Angeles, I. Hyun, S.R. Latham, J.D. Elsworth and D.E. Redmond Jr.) 27 Stem Cells and Development 23 (December 1, 2018).
Identification of Patients Expected to Benefit from Electronic Alerts for Acute Kidney Injury (A. Biswas, C.R. Parikh, H.I. Feldman, A.X. Garg, S.R. Latham, H. Lin, P.M. Palevsky, U. Ugwuowo and F.P. Wilson), 13 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6:842-49 (June 7, 2018).
Debating Medical Utility, Not Futility: Ethical Dilemmas in Treating Critically Ill People Who Use Injection Drugs (S. Baldassarri, I. Lee, S.R. Latham and G. D’Onofrio), 46 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 2:241-51 (June 2018).
Book Chapters
Neuroethics, forthcoming in R.N. Rosenberg and J.M. Pascual (eds.), Rosenberg’s Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease, 7th edition (Elsevier, 2023).
Guardianship in America, forthcoming in C. Kong & J. Coggon (eds.), Capacity, Participation and Values in Comparative Legal Perspective (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022).
Experimental Philosophical Bioethics, Advance Directives, and the True Self in Dementia (B. Earp, S. Dale, I. Rodriguez-Hannikainen and S.R. Latham), forthcoming in A. De Block & K. Hens (eds.), Experimental Philosophy of Medicine (London: Bloomsbury, 2022).
Healthcare Ethics Committees and the Law, in D.M. Hester and T. Schonfeld, eds., Guidance for Healthcare Ethics Committees (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012; Revised edition, 2022).
Introduction (S. Bouregy, E. Grigorenko, S.R. Latham and M. Tan) and Conclusion: How Might School Systems Use Genetic Data? in Bouregy, Grigorenko, Latham and Tan, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Genetics and Education (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Commentaries, Editorials
What is Fair Representation in Research? (open peer commentary), J.E. Miller and S.R. Latham, forthcoming in American Journal of Bioethics (2023).
The Dead Donor Rule, Reversibility, and Donor Wishes (open peer commentary), R.K. Batra and S.R. Latham, 23 American Journal of Bioethics 2:21-32 (2023).
A Hub and Spoke Model for Improving Access and Standardizing Ethics Consultations Across a Large Healthcare System (open peer commentary), B. Tolchin, L. Bruce, M. Mercurio and S.R. Latham, 22 American Journal of Bioethics 4:42-45 (2022).
Reflections on New Evidence on Crisis Standards of Care in the COVID-19 Pandemic (letter), B. Tolchin, S.R. Latham, L. Bruce, L.E. Ferrante, K. Kraschel, K. Jubanyik, S.C. Hull, J.L. Herbst, J. Kapo, E.D. Moritz, J. Hughes, M.D. Siegel, M.R. Mercurio, 32 J Clin Ethics 4:358-60 (2021 Winter).
Frailty, an Imperfect ICU Rationing Criterion (Open Peer Commentary), R.K. Batra and S.R. Latham, 21 American Journal of Bioethics 11:69-71 (2021).
Patient Advocacy Organizations and FDA Drug Approval: Lessons from Aduhelm (First Opinion), M.S. Sinha and S.R. Latham, STAT (July 23, 2021).
Racial Justice Requires Ending the War on Drugs (group editorial by bioethicists and allied professionals against the war on drugs), B. Earp et. al, 21 American Journal of Bioethics 4:4-19 (2021).
Molecular HIV Surveillance and Public Health Ethics: Old Wine in New Bottles (open peer commentary), L. Dawson and S.R. Latham, 20 American Journal of Bioethics 10:39-41 (2020).
Statement from Yale Faculty on Hydroxychloroquine and its Use in COVID-19. G. Gonsalves, J. Abaluck, A. Bei, T. Cohen, G.V. Desir, G. D’Onofrio, H.P. Forman, A. Galvani, N.D. Grubaugh, R. Hines, V. Horsley, A. Iwasaki, A. Kapczynski, T. Kershaw, A.I. Ko, S.R. Latham, B. Lindenbach, F. Scott Morton, R. Medzhitov, S.B. Omer, A.D. Paltiel, S. Parikh, K. Santucci, M. Nunez Smith, D. Weinberger. (Aug. 4, 2020).
Non-Human Germline Interventions (open peer commentary), 20 American Journal of Bioethics 8:23-25 (2020).
Personal transformation and advance directives: an experimental bioethics approach (open peer commentary), B.D. Earp, K.P. Tobia & S.R. Latham, 20 American Journal of Bioethics 8:72-75 (2020).
From Interest to Applause to Despair (open peer commentary), 18 American Journal of Bioethics 12:15-17 (2018).
Asymmetrical Intuitions (open peer commentary), 18 American Journal of Bioethics 11:54-55 (2018)
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Senior Lecturer & Senior Research Scholar in Religion and Ecology
Environmental Ethicist-in-Residence
The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth: Collected Essays of Thomas Berry (co-edited with Mary Evelyn Tucker). (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2009). |
“Cosmology in the World’s Religions, The Universe Story, and the Earth Charter,” 1 Beliefs and Values 1, 2009. |
“Indigenous Knowing and Responsible Life in the World,” in L. Kearns and C. Keller, eds., Eco-Spirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth (New York: Fordham University Press, 2007). |
“Daring to Dream: Religion and the Future of the Earth” (with M.E. Tucker), in R. Radford Ruether, ed., Reflections (Yale Divinity School, Spring 2007), pp. 4-9. |
“Indigenous Lifeways and Ways of Knowing,” in P. Clayton, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). |
“Indigenous Traditions: Religion and Ecology,” in R. Gottlieb, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). |
“Knowing and Being Known by Animals: Indigenous Perspectives on Personhood” in P. Waldau and K. Patton, eds., A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science, and Ethics (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006). |
“Teilhard’s Vision of Evolution” (with M.E. Tucker), Teilhard Studies #50 (Hagerstown, MD: American Teilhard Association, Spring 2005). |
John Grim
Senior Lecturer & Senior Research Scholar in Religion and Ecology
Environmental Ethicist-in-Residence
The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth: Collected Essays of Thomas Berry (co-edited with Mary Evelyn Tucker). (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2009).
“Religion and Ecology” (with M.E. Tucker), in L. Jones, ed., Encyclopedia of Religion (New York: Macmillan, 2005).
“Ecology and Indigenous Traditions,” in Encyclopedia of Religion (New York: Macmillan, 2005).
“Shamanism and Ecology,” in Encyclopedia of Shamanism. (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2004).
“Sundance Traditions,” and “Plains Indians Understandings of Power,” in the Encyclopedia of American Indian Religious Traditions. (Santa Barbara: ABC- CLIO, 2004).
Lori Bruce
Associate Director
“Administration Provides New HCP Protections: Permits Healthcare Providers to Discriminate;” (blog of The American Journal of Bioethics), January 20, 2018. |
“Unmet Needs, Unwanted Persons: A Call for Expansion of Safe Haven Laws.” Hastings Center Report 46, no. 5 (2016): 7-8. |
“The #10YearChallenge: Harmless Fun or Cause for Concern?“ (blog of The American Journal of Bioethics), February 11, 2019. |
“Invasive Pediatric Procedures by Physicians-in-Training: Recommendations on Consent and Oversight by a Community Bioethics Forum;” presented to Yale Pediatrics Department, April 22, 2015. |
“Brain Death: Frequently Asked Questions for the General Public;” Neurocritical Care Society, October, 2014. |
Mark Mercurio
Associate Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics
Director, Pediatric Ethics Program, Yale School of Medicine
Hurst, A, Vergales, BD, Paget-Brown, A, Mercurio, MR, Lantos, JD. Ethics Rounds: tough decisions for premature triplets. Pediatrics 2016 Feb;137(2):1-5 |
Mercurio, MR. Pediatric obstetrical ethics: Medical decision-making by, with, and for pregnant early adolescents. Semin Perinatol. 2016 Feb 22. pii: S0146-0005(15)00205-0. doi: 10.1053/j.semperi.2015.12.013. [Epub ahead of print] |
Murray, P., Esserman, D., Mercurio, MR. In What Circumstances Will a Neonatologist Decide a Patient is Not a Resuscitation Candidate? Journal of Medical Ethics 2016 Mar 17. pii: medethics-2015-102941. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2015-102941. Epub ahead of print |
Mercurio MR, Murray PD, Gross I. Unilateral pediatric “Do not attempt resuscitation” orders: the pros, the cons, and a proposed approach. Pediatrics. 2014 Feb;133 Suppl 1:S37-43. |
Shizuko Takahashi
The World Caught a Cold. Children’s book - free to distribute widely. |