2019 Seminar Schedule
Important Notes to Students
Seminars are “mini-courses” and meet for 6 sessions. Participants may enroll in 2-4 seminars in June and another 2-4 seminars in July. Once enrolled, students are required to attend all sessions of their seminars.
Four seminars per session is achievable but may require some focus. Each seminar will have approximately 10-12 pages/day of reading (so each seminar will have about 60-72 pages of reading). Some seminars may have a heavier reading load; those classes will likely specify this in their course description.
We will soon send you the form to elect your seminar preferences. For each time slot, you will be able to request your first and second choice. Once you have submitted the form, your submission is final. After submission, you may drop one seminar per session, but we are unable to process substitutions or additions. Therefore, please think carefully about your choices. We encourage you to meet with your advisors in your home institution to carefully consider your preferences.
You can learn more about many of our seminar leaders by watching brief discussions with them on our Youtube channel.
June Schedule
June Seminars begin on June 17th and end on Friday July 5th.
1:00 - 2:45 pm
- An Introduction to Animal Ethics: Ethical Approaches to Nonhumans (Sue Kopp)
- Ethics of Enhancement (Brian Earp)
- Ethical Issues in Obstetrics & Pediatrics: Cross Cultural Perspectives (Shizuko Takahashi)
3:00 - 4:45 pm
- Ethical Issues in Global Health (Aron Rose)
- Research Ethics (Agata Bloswick) - Note that this seminar will only meet for the first 2 weeks, and will meet until 5:15 pm.
- Environmental Ethics (Natalie Kofler)
- Philosophy of Technology and Bioethics (Olya Kudina)
! Note that Thursday, July 4th is a national holiday, so no events will be offered. The seminar make-up date is Friday, July 5th at their usual time.
1:00 - 2:45 pm
- Aliens Among Us: Ethically Thinking about “The Other” using Science Fiction (Laure Hoenen)
- Medical Humanities (in Spanish) (Santiago Peregalli)
- Clinical Ethics (Jennifer Herbst, Zohar Lederman)
3:00 - 4:45 pm
- Data, Health, and Ethics: Topics at the Intersection (Owen King)
- Cultural & Contextual Bias in Bioethics (Mayli Mertens)
- Bioethics and Psychiatry (Santiago Peregalli)
July Schedule
July seminars begin on July 8th and end on July 26th.
1:00 - 2:45 pm
- Ethics of Time Travel (Evie Kendal)
- Bioethics & the Law (Stephen Latham)
- Reproductive Ethics (Ramona Fernandez)
3:00 - 4:45 pm
- Ethics at the End of Life (TBD)
- Issues in Genetics (Evie Kendal)
- Religious Reasoning in Bioethics (AJ DeBonis)
- Ethics of Military Medicine (Jeff Matsler)
1:00 - 2:45 pm
- Health Policy Analysis for Bioethicists (Lori Bruce)
- Disability, Illness, & Difference (Laura Mauldin)
- Ethics of Emergency Medicine (Evie Marcolini)
3:00 - 4:45 pm
- Neuroethics (Evie Marcolini and Karmele Olaciregui)
- Public Health Ethics (Ruth Tallman)
- Ethical Issues in the Care of LGBTQ Populations (Karl Surkan)
- Responsibility and Moral Conflicts (Dan Tigard)